ジャパンラゲージエクスプレス | 日記 | Japan Trivia


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ジャパンラゲージエクスプレス の日記

Japan Trivia


There are some interesting topics related to Japan. Poeple have all kinds of questions about Japan. As a linguist, I have written quite a few interesting articles erlated tto the Japanese language on our website.  Perhaps you will like my recent article on diffrence between Nihon and Nihon.  In this article I answer this question from the view point of linguistics and phonetics. Please also enjoy my arcicle on interesting facts about Japan. In this page I wrote various Japan trivias. I hope you enjoy them!


【PR】  日本料理 浜風屋  常総ゼミナール  KURUMU FACTORY SHOP  M sports ジムスタ館 (エムスポーツ ジムスタ館)  B-LUCK BERRY