ジャパンラゲージエクスプレス | 日記 | 22 years in shipping business.


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ジャパンラゲージエクスプレス の日記

22 years in shipping business.


Japan Luggage Express went into business in April, 1995. Therefore, this
month the company is celebrating its 22 year anniversary.  Back in 1995 there were few international moving companies who offered affordable shipping services for expats moving out of Japan. Japan Luggage Express has always been a pupular shipping company among expats in Japan. 

22 years in shipping business.


【PR】  art-amam  東近江市八日市の整体・カイロプラクティック・骨盤矯正の「整体処かるかる」  淀川カルチャー笠置書道教室(かさぎ)大阪市淀川区三国本町  うさぎカフェ Ms.BUNNY  ほりうちこうりえんクリニック